
envy, the blog

Occasionally, when we are not preoccupied designing, creating, building or generally nerd-ing out over architecture and art, we will blog. Here you will find out what we are up to, be able to follow along on builds as they happen and sometimes we just find something really interesting we want to share with you.

Scroll down for some cool histories of previous adventures, read up on our current endeavours and feel free to comment or share as like.

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Black Brick

Remember that black brick we salvaged from the original home on this lot?Well it's still here, waiting to be reintroduced into the new.... and definitely not forgotten as it has had to be moved a few times already!Salvaged black brick to be re-purposed

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Cribbing Front Walks

Often the front walks get left to the end of a construction project.  With winter upon us and the muddy boots that come with it, we choose to bump up the construction of the front walks in the hopes of minimizing the muck in the homes.These walks will also be poured in concrete so first they must be prepared.Cribbed; wooden molds, gravel, leveling, reinforced, etc.20121017_000120121017_000420121017_000520121017_0008 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Electrical Rough-In Begins

Electrical rough-ins begin ... a painstakingly long process requiring the utmost of detailed planning to make a home not only function, but in this case become highly automated.  From in ceiling speakers to higher voltage lines for professional kitchen appliances to the full home automation system.Check back to see all the cool details this home will have in store for you.20121009_000720121009_000520121009_001720121009_0018 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Front Doors?

We have front doors!Ok, we admit, these are not the permanent ones but at least they lock and keep the cold out.Guess you will have to watch to see what inserts they end up with for the finished product...Temporary front doors

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Sideyard Backfill

The majority of the stucco scaffolds have come down enabling a large portion of the back filling to happen. This provides a great sense of what this lot will look like finished at the front and how the grades will flow from front to back.Note* the remaining stucco gets finished a bit later20121009_000320121009_0020 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Window Sill Details

For some windows a rugged yet finished concrete sill makes the most sense.  Zero maintenance with modern look for windows in side-yards  and where windows are fixed pane (don't open) it's simply the pragmatic choice.20120925_0475

Concrete Sill Close-up


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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Stucco; Expansion Joints

The lines you see cut in large planes (walls) of stucco are called expansion joints.Their purpose is to allow the stucco sufficient room to expand and contract with the sometimes radical temperature swings we experience in Calgary without the wall cracking.  However, placed methodically they can also serve to enhance the design and overall appeal of the building.Below we take you on a sneak peak behind the green tarps.  The stucco process is underway - what's up with the orange stucco?  Check back to find out if that is the permanent colour of if there is some other groovy detail in store for you...20120925_046820120925_0470 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Built-in BBQ's

Have I mentioned one of Envy's favourite quotes yet?  "The devil is in the details!"Here is an example of what we mean... built-in BBQ stations maximizing the kitchen deck space and the downtown view that comes with it.  How great is that?Keep following to see the final details20120925_0477 20120925_0481 20120925_0485

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Stucco Progress

The rear of the home has made tremendous progress with the stucco beginning at the top and gradually moving down the buildings. Here you can see the various phases in the stucco process, from the styrofoam cladding, scratch-coat to the fine finished acrylic stucco end product.Styrofoam cladding20120918_0225  20120918_0227 20120923_0169 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Plumbing Rough-ins

Amidst the flurry of activity on the outside of the homes the the life lines are being installed on the interior.It is a long and sometimes uninteresting yet crucial process called the 'rough-ins'.  This requires well planned plumbing, heating, ventilation, solar, electrical and technical lines to be placed throughout the home culminating at the core of the home - the mechanical room.  An Envy home anticipates most every possible need today and for the future giving the homeowner the comfort of all luxuries and the ability to go as high tech as they choose. Here is a glimps of some preliminary plumbing rough-ins to start this in-depth process. Stay tuned to watch this technical process unfold.20120830_011920120830_0120 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

House Numbers

Generally a detail thought of at the end of a project... 'ok the house is done, let's put some numbers on it'.At Envy homes we believe your house number is more than just an address, we want your friends and your takeout delivery guy to find you... easily... because you love your home and you are a proud owner Envy homeowner!  Your house number should be part of the entire aesthetic and we always plan a fun way to display that identity at the blueprint stage of our design process.  Here is a sneak preview of what will become the identifier of these homes.  Keep watching to see how we finish this totally custom, hand crafted detail.Hand carved one of a kind detail20121009_0002 

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Construction Stairs

Construction stairs are the temporary stairs used while the home is being finished.  This allows the multiple trades to access the multiple levels easily without worry of damaging the finished open riser stairs that will complete these magnificent homes.  Today the stairs went in and everyone was happy to be done with climbing ladders for a while.20120827_001320120830_0128Construction stairs are in (temporary railings yet to go up)  

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Blog, Haus 8 & 10 Blog, Haus 8 & 10

Tarps & Scaffolds

It's time for the window installation and stucco crews to descend on the building and engulf it beneath scaffolds and tarps.  The project is now buzzing like a hive of bee's... just wait for the 'honey' they will leave behind when the tarps come back down!20120824_039320120824_0403 20120827_0001

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